2010 Business Conference

From the moment over 12,000 guests entered the Bakersfield Business Conference
on Saturday, October 8, 2010 they knew it was going to be a very special, patriotic
day. The greeting of 2,880 American Flags symbolizing the lives lost in terrorist attacks
on 9/11 created a strong visual reminder of the strength of our American spirit, which
continued to be demonstrated throughout the day with guests cheering and waving the
American Flag in support of the guest speakers.

The opportunity to hear from 34 public figures involved in world politics, celebrities and
pundits provided insight, inspiration and laughter. The political hindsight and future
glimpses of America were provided by Lynne & Dick Cheney, our former Vice President,
graceful former First Lady Laura Bush, Karl Rove, along with Presidential hopefuls Mitt
Romney, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich. The voices of leadership resonated from
educator Joe Clark (subject of the film, Lean on Me) and the Mayor of America, Rudy
Guiliani, who stabilized the citizens of New York, along with the Nation! Comedy,
happiness and Hollywood success stories were priced by Goldie Hawn, Jane Seymour,
Rich Little and Paul Rodriguez. Closing out the main tent were agronomical legend Dick
Ruttan (pilot of Voyager, the first around the non-stop flight around the world), Medal of
Honor Recipient Peter Lemon and hero, Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger.

Accolades to Borton Petrini’s George Martin who put Bakersfield on the world map
with the Business Conference and the 2010 proved the best year! Mr. Martin will
have his work cut out for him to top this in 5 years when he promised the audience the
Bakersfield Business Conference would be held again.