FHA : Monthly Mortgage Insurance Premiums To Rise April 18, 2011
Buyers waiting on the fence should consider now is the perfect time considering inventory levels, historically low interest and now the looming increase to FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums mean smart buyers will keep a sizable amount of money in their pocket if they act by April 18, 2011. For the third time in 12 months, […]
Japan Earthquake a Reminder to Californians
The devastating earthquake that struck Japan on Friday should serve as a reminder to Californians that we also live in an area of the world prone to seismic activity. Castle & Cooke urges everyone to practice earthquake preparedness, earthquake kit stocked with essential items and a plan of action that all family members are familiar […]
Making Your New House Feel Like Home
So, what’s the secret to making your new house feel like a home? Simple…fill it with things that you love. Things that you typically pack up when you are trying to sell your home, or things you’ve spotted at a store that you couldn’t resist. It’s the valued things like family photos or that ceramic […]
Getting that Model Home Look
Homeowners always wonder just how to go about getting that “model home” look for their new home. It’s much easier than you might think, and you don’t need to leave out prepared place settings on the dining room table to get it! Today there are so many more options for homebuyers looking to add some […]
California Ranked 3rd Best U.S. Home Market
Jonathan Lansner of the Orange County Register reported California had the nation’s third-best housing market in September, according to CoreLogic report. Tops on the list for year-over-year price gains for all transactions-distressed sales, included – was New York (up 2.67 percent) then North Dakota (a 1.73 percent gain). After California came Nebraska (+.78 percent), and […]
The Dip
What is the dip? It’s the fifth job interview where they never even call you back. It’s the garage band playing to an empty club in the middle of nowhere. It’s the seventh time you fall on your butt while learning to snowboard. It’s the middle of the marathon, when the excitement of the starting […]
Four Outstanding Opportunities to Buy Now!
Now that the tax credits for first-time and repeat home buyers have expired,* many people are wondering if this is a good time to buy a home. The answer is easy: Yes. It’s a very good time to purchase a home. The recession is in retreat, and even though housing is on the mend, it’s […]
Four Great Benefits for Buyers
Homeownership also provides important benefits to owners. Tax Benefits: For Home Owners Only Unique tax benefits that apply only to housing help lower the cost of homeownership. Both mortgage interest and property taxes are deductible. Moreover, for married couples, profits of up to $500,000 on the sale of a principal residence ($250,000 for single taxpayers) […]
Castle & Cooke Mortgage Staying Committed
Castle & Cooke Mortgage, LLC was recently named one of Utah’s 50 fastest growing companies by Utah Business Magazine. Each year, this special edition of the magazine lists the top 50 companies “Fast 50” in order of growth over the past 5 years. Castle & Cooke Mortgage, LLC was awarded 3rd place. In addition, our […]
What Housing Crash? The American Dream is Alive and Well with Gen Y
This is according to an article written by Trisha Riggs on October 14, 2010 for the Urban Land Institute (ULI) which suggested that the echo boomer generation, or Gen Y, holds a high view of the American Dream – despite the housing market collapse – with the majority of respondents expecting to own homes within […]