Adult and child dressed as captain america flexing muscles at a party with people watching, in a room decorated with blue tablecloths and artwork on the walls.

So Many Superheroes!

It was a super day recently in Highgate at Seven Oaks when Captain America and Super Girl flew in to help Highgate kids turn themselves into Seven Oaks Superheroes! Kids had a blast creating their own Superhero outfits with capes, masks, and super-strength power cuffs. And to get the energy they would need to do all the good deeds that Superheroes are supposed to do, there were plenty of snacks and treats. There were even fun games where they could try out their new superpowers. Now, if you see a pint-sized Superhero flying around town, you’ll know where they came from! #HighgateSevenOaks #NewHomesGatedCommunity #NewHomesBakersfield


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