Making Your New House Feel Like Home

So, what’s the secret to making your new house feel like a home?
Simple…fill it with things that you love. Things that you typically pack up
when you are trying to sell your home, or things you’ve spotted at a store
that you couldn’t resist. It’s the valued things like family photos or that
ceramic vase your child made in kindergarten. It’s the heirloom pieces
from your grandmother, and the beautiful lamp you just found. Instant
warmth and comfort can come from simply adding curtains to stark, new
windows, and an area rug over your tile or wood flooring. It’s choosing the
paint color that perfectly compliments your sofa, and the bold, new pillows
that you’ve dreamt of for your bed. It’s all of the things that make you
say “Ah, it’s good to be home!”, after a hard day at work.

Your new home could be the perfect chance to do the things you’ve
always wanted to do, but felt nervous to try in the past. There is a
wealth of decorating books and magazines to steer you in the right
direction. Styles that flatter every taste and every budget. Part of the
fun in decorating your new house, comes in the search. There is such
satisfaction in finding just the right piece of artwork for over the fireplace,
or the most beautiful new chair. Don’t be afraid to try shopping at a store
you’ve never been too, or using that end table that you found in your
brother’s garage. Remember too, that sometimes “less is more”, and it’s
much easier to add to something, than it is to take it away.

It’s always been the “little things” that make your house a home, so relax
and enjoy decorating your new place!


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